Thursday, November 26, 2009

Lesson 3A - Start with a Bang! - Paint a Picture

Pupils learn to hook their readers by trying one of the following techniques (PDA-IQ) for a great beginning. They will try one of the techniques and try to hone their craft before using another technique for subsequent writing assignments. Pupils are advised not to memorise these sample openings. It is important to use their own words to ensure a smooth transition leading to their Event 1. It is very telling when a pupil has memorised and regurgitated chunks of material in their writing.

Paint a Picture:
Night scene - Night was settling in the city on a relaxed Saturday evening. Cheerful laughter of children filled the air as they watched a magic show in the open space in a shopping centre.

Evening scene - It was a breathtaking evening. The dazzling stars twinkled in the heavens as the full moon shimmered beautifully. It was the night of the mid-autumn festival and my family and I exchanged happy smiles as we strolled along the cobbled pathway of the neighbourhood park.

Morning scene - The smiling sun reigned supreme, painting the great canvas of the morning sky in warm hues of yellow. Cheerful laughter filled the air. Eunice was excited as she was preparing for a cool dip in the deep blue sea.

Rainy weather -
Dark threatening clouds gathered in the sky. From the distance came the low rumbling of thunder. The flint grey sky heralded another day of torrential rains. The dark clouds grew ominous. Soon, a curtain of rain beat down from the heavens. The merciless rain belted the backs of the hapless pedestrians. Their umbrellas proved useless against the lashing wind and rain. A flash of forked lightning and a great clap of thunder sounded which frightened all those round, especially me.

So much rainwater had collected on the roads that the splashes created by the passing cars were twice as high as the cars themselves. The morning was cold and wet with a brisk wind sweeping the rain across the land. The howling winds and rain drumming on my roof kept me awake all night.

The sky was covered with tumultuous dark clouds. The wind was howling and soon it was raining cats and dogs. The storm showed no signs of letting up, much to my dismay. As I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella, I was soon drenched to the skin.

Sunrise - The sun rose in a pool of crimson and gold, spilling light over the land and the white clouds. It was the perfect day for a picnic.

Sunset - The sunset was glorious, all rosy and salmon pink. It was a lovely walk at the beach, with the sun setting behind the mountain in a sea of liquid gold. The breathtaking scenery captivated everyone, except me.

Good weather - The high sunlit clouds drifted across the clear blue sky. The sun shone brilliantly and the water in the pool glittered invitingly. It was great day for a swim. Little did I know the day would end in tragedy.
Hot weather - It was a scorching day without a whisper of a breeze. I had protested about going out in the blazing sun but to no avail. My upper lip was lined with beads of perspiration. I was feeling faint from the sweltering heat.

Describe an unusual image - Andrew watched the new girl stumbling through the noisy hallway. The girl was clutching her files and muttering to herself.

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