Thursday, November 26, 2009


It was eleven o’clock at night. I was on the second storey of my terrace house, in my room doing my homework after my parents had gone to bed.

While I was writing, I sensed something amiss. I looked out of the window and discovered a masked man behaving suspiciously and loitering at my neighbours’ doorway. The masked man was dressed in black and was also armed with a knife. He started to pick the lock and fiddle with it with a set of keys. I was shocked and startled by the sight. I began to worry for the safety of my neighbours. Without hesitation, I started dialling for the police while I watched the crime unfolding.

As the masked burglar did not manage to pick the lock and enter through the door, he started to enter through a window which he found unlocked instead. After the burglar had broken into the house, he crept in, in pin-drop silence. Unfortunately, my neighbours had been alerted by the noise. My neighbours appeared at the scene of the crime. The burglar put up a fierce struggle with the husband and he pulled out a knife and brandished it at the couple.

“Help! Help!” shouted the wife.

“Stop struggling and screaming or I will kill you!” the burglar snarled, pointing the knife at the wife’s neck.

“Give me the money,” he threatened menacingly.

However, none of them had much money to give to the burglar. The burglar turned red with fury and anger and began to tie them up with thick ropes. The couple and their son were bound from hand to foot and their mouths were gagged with crumpled paper. After that, the burglar started to ransack the rooms in search of valuables and also began to rummage through the drawers for money.

Within minutes, the burglar was ready and bolted out of the house like a flash of lightning, planning to escape with the valuables. Fortunately, the police finally arrived in time to stop the burglar from fleeing. The burglar darted out of sight on seeing the policemen. However, the policemen overpowered the burglar as the two-storey terrace was surrounded. Finally, the burglar was arrested.

After the notorious burglar had been arrested, some policemen untied the innocent couple and the boy while the others returned the stolen valuables and money back to them. At the crime scene, the room was in chaos and belongings were strewn all over the place. Some drawers were also forced open and the floor was littered with clothing.

A few days later, I was awarded a medal for my public-spiritedness.

“Crime does not pay,” I said proudly.

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