Thursday, November 26, 2009

At the park

Would you like to visit the park? Why or why not?

How do you spend your time in the park?
Tell me about the activities other visitors to the park do.
Yes, I would like to visit the park. By visiting the park, I can get some fresh air after a day in school, and it can help to relieve my stress. Looking at people exercising, birds chirping and the beautiful flowers around makes me happy and relaxed. I go to the park near my house whenever I am upset about something. I have my own quiet spot where I would go to. That spot is quiet and peaceful as not many people go there. It is facing a lake. I especially love it during sunset when the sunlight shines on it and the surface of the lake shimmers. I sometimes watch the sunset till late evening and then walk home slowly. I always feel better after a trip to the park.

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